
19 February 2023

The CRNZ Canoe Sprint competition rules have been updated to align with the ICF rule book as they apply to the racing environment in New Zealand.  The CRNZ rules contain variations to the  ICF rules as marked up in blue.

CRNZ Canoe Sprint Rules 2023

17th February 2023

Click here for Notice of 2023 Annual General Meeting to be held on Friday 21st April 2023 at CRNZ High Performance Training Centre, Lake Karapiro.


The 2019 CRNZ Annual Report and audited financial statements have been prepared ahead of the AGM.

We have changed the format and layout of the Annual Report from past years. Whilst there is certain information that is included as a matter of compliance, we have also tried to create a document that will serve as a record of the year’s highlights, and hopefully a memento for those who have been successful in the sport each year.



We also attach a document setting out the final draft of the 2020-2028 CRNZ Strategic Plan. This document contains explanatory notes – the final version will be simplified.

The plan has been informed in large part by feedback from our clubs and the paddling community. We have also drawn on our own perspective and those of subject-matter experts, particularly in the high performance space, as well as insights from SportNZ’s research.

This strategy broadens CRNZ’s focus – we have taken on board our community’s consistent feedback that we need to work more on participation and engaging the community. As such, the plan is set out with three pillars – Participation, Performance and Engagement.


Please note that this strategy sets out what we see as our direction for the next 8 years. Some of the goals are very ambitious, so we will not expect to achieve all of them in the first year or two. Each year, we will set priorities and targets. Management’s reporting to the Board, and our annual report each year, will set out our progress against those targets and our priorities for the following year.

As always, we welcome your views on this strategy. Any urgent feedback can be raised at the AGM on Friday 14 February, or emailed to Tom Ashley (

There is an exciting weekend of paddling coming up. Sprint paddlers will be racing at the Sprint Nationals in Karapiro. At the same time, the surfski community will be lining up in Nelson for the King and Queen of the Bay, which is the fourth race in the Darcy Price Surfski Series. We wish everyone competing (and supporting) the best of luck for a fun and successful weekend.

Best regards,

Tom Ashley


25 October 2019

CRNZ are looking at a proposed new strategic direction to promote participation in paddling. We believe this responds to the wishes of our members and fulfills our responsibilities as set out in CRNZ’s Constitution. It will also help us to become a more sustainable organisation, less reliant on HPSNZ funding. We believe that we can continue to do what we currently do well (that is, high performance sprint kayaking, and running great sprint kayaking events in NZ), but also build a strong, vibrant sport. In order to do this, we are proposing a new strategy with three pillars: Performance, Participation and Engagement/Connectivity.

We seek input from our sporting community by 20 November 2019.  All feedback welcome.