James “Bhutty” Moore-morial race 2024


Feb 03


Pilot Bay, Mt Maunganui



Paul Roozendaal

The 2024 James Moore-morial “Bhutty Moore” race on Saturday 3rd February in Tauranga is an absolute must-do on all ocean paddlers calendar.

Makatu to Mt Maunganui (or reverse) – 32 km along the spectacular but exposed stretch of water.
Open to Ocean canoe/waka ama, oceanski/surfski and standup paddleboards to take on the challenge of the Bay of Plenty coastline.

This event is run to honour our friend James Moore (aka Bhutty) who lost his life on this stretch of water in 2008 , to celebrate his life and what he achieved.

It is not for the faint-hearted or the under-trained. Respect the event- plan for and train for a tough 32km paddle. The race is designed to raise the bar, to keep us all in top form and at the top of our game. To be able to compete, or complete, means that you will have had to have done the hard yards and every time you are out training you can thank Bhutty for the legacy that he left.

This is the 5th race in the 2023/24 Darcy Price NZ Oceanski series.

More information on James Moore-morial race
Event website- https://www.wakaama.co.nz/racecalendar/lookup/2128
Follow on Facebook for updates-https://www.facebook.com/JamesMooreMorialRace

Darcy Price Series information and event dates