Cheers Coach Week- 20-26 November

Coaches are the backbone of all sports and can have a massive impact on the lives of their proteges.  Cheers Coach Week, coming up on 20-26 November,  is a time to recognise and celebrate our paddling coaches- who they are and what they do for their paddlers, club and communities across New Zealand.

It is an opportunity to appreciate the integral role they play by taking the time to say #CheersCoach.

How can paddlers and clubs take part?

  • Tell us about your coach and win them a giftpack
    Share positive story about your coach or tell us why they are so great and go in the draw to win a thank you pack for your coach. We’ll also send them some love through our social media channels.
    Tell us about your coach hereEvery submission goes into the draw to win a giftpack for your coach. Multiple submissions can be made about the same coach.
  • Send a shout out to your Coach
    Say #CheersCoach on social media during the week using #CheersCoach.
  • Organize a club event to say #CheersCoach
    Organise an event to say thank you to those who coach in your club. Word has it that coaches often enjoy coffee and cake….
  • Get your coach a gift
    Show your appreciation for everything your coaches do for you, your club, and your community with a #CheersCoach gift.
  • Print off one of our #CheersCoach posters for your club:


In addition to the #CheersCoach week, we encourage all athletes, participants, parents and friends to say, ‘Cheers Coach’ in real life! And not only in this week but every day of the year!!!!