Canoe Racing NZ is committed to creating an inclusive paddling community where disabled paddlers can participate alongside their non-disabled peers, both recreationally and at events.

With the support from the Halberg Foundation and Sport NZ, CRNZ has created programmes, education, resources and tools to increase opportunities for disabled participants, to help raise awareness and support/provide paddling clubs/organisations with practical ways to be a more Disability Inclusive organisation.


PaddleAble is all about growing the number of disabled people participating in paddling for fun, wellbeing and competition.

It is a framework to guide and support paddling clubs/providers and event organisers to be able to offer and deliver quality and equitable paddling opportunities to disabled people, through provision of education, resources, systems and equipment. It aligns with and supplement our current participation programme, Try Learn Explore.

PaddleAble aims to be a recognisable brand, signifying a paddling club/provider or event can successfully cater to disabled people and deliver positive paddling opportunities.


Clubs, providers and events can apply to make the PaddleAble Commitment from CRNZ.

This endorsement will signal that the organisation has and is taking steps/actions to ensure they can cater for, and provide positive paddling opportunities to disabled participants.

Clubs, providers and events that make the PaddleAble  Commitment:

  • Make a commitment to being disability inclusive

  • Adopt an inclusive approach and culture

  • Will cater for and provide opportunities for disabled people

  • Will modify paddling equipment and adapt activity to support paddlers with a range of disabilities

  • Will ensure coaches receive disability inclusive training

  • Have assessed and made a commitment to enhance club facilities to support disabled paddlers

  • Developed systems to support disabled paddlers

CRNZ will support clubs through the actions and commitments required, and we have produced a range of resources and education which are available.

The PaddleAble Commitment will help promote the organisation or activity as Disability Inclusive. Only organisations who have made the commitment can use the “PaddleAble” brand.


Paracanoe events are the competitive paddling opportunities for disabled paddlers. These events range from national to international with Paracanoe events at the Paralympics Games.

Canoe Racing NZ have made the decision to be more inclusive for disabled paddlers by running the ICF categories as well as an Paracanoe Open Division, which will include all impairments.  In New Zealand any disabled person can race in the para canoe categories in either VL1-3, KL1-3 and the open division.

We encourage all events to consider and incorporate disabled paddlers.

Further information on Paracanoe


Coaches and clubs/organisations may feel nervous and often avoid running or providing paddling experiences for disabled participants.  However, a basic understanding of disabilities, a willingness, the right attitude and supporting participants in a way that meets their needs is all that is required.

CRNZ have developed and range of resources to provide information, guidance and insights that will assist coaches, volunteers, clubs and event managers to understand what to consider and how to deliver more disability inclusive paddling experiences.

PaddleAble Disability Inclusion Education Workshop

This workshop (made up of 2 parts) has been developed in conjunction with the Halberg Foundation to assist coaches, clubs and paddling providers to understand, engage and empower disabled paddlers to ensure they have positive paddling experiences.  It is suitable if you are (or want to) coaching, volunteering, supporting participants with disabilities or are wanting to develop a more supportive disability inclusive club/paddling provider environment. 

Further information and upcoming workshops


We would love to have your club, organisation or event giving more kiwis opportunities to have positive paddling experiences!

Contact Aaron (CRNZ Disabililty Inclusion Lead) for more information and available support